In Jen Haley's blog, she talks about rumors and the credibility of the source. She discusses how people will rely on one news source because they trust it and don't bother to back op any news story with another source. Everyone has heard gossip or has been the subject of gossip so we must all have our opinion of the matter. Her question is "Do you think people believe a statement to be true solely because of who is saying it? Does their decision making depend on the popularity of the person saying it and/or where the statement derives from?"
I think it all depends on the person. If you are easily trustworthy of others, you may only believe in one source. Or, if you truly want to believe in something, one source may be enough. For me, I need to hear a piece of gossip or information from numerous varying sources in order to believe it. I don't like hearing gossip because I understand what it is like to be talked about, as does everyone. However, if there is a piece of information spreading or a news story, I like to hear it from a variety of people or news sources. People are easily swayed to one side so it is best to hear a story from many different point if views. I do think popularity has something to do with credibility of a source because if everyone views one news source or receives gossip from one person than they are probably more trustworthy than a not so consistent and dependable source.
My question to you is: What, in our human nature, attracts us so much to gossip and the drama of others? Why must we obsess over other people's lives when we have our own to live?