My greatest flaw is denying the fact that perfection doesn't exist. I spend all of my time trying to reach this unattainable goal. I am never satisfied unless I am the best at what I am doing which just leads to disappointment because no one is great at everything. I need to learn that trying to be perfect accomplishes nothing. Flaws make life and people interesting. Flaws make works of art interesting and unique. I don't believe beauty if flawless. I believe beauty is when you see the flaws in something and still love it, accept it, enjoy it all the same because its flaws make it unique, special, and what it is. The same goes for people. Love is when you see past a person's flaws and accept them, admire them, and see them as perfect anyways. They are who they are. When we accept the fact that no one is perfect and the flaws we have make us beautiful, then we can live our lives. When we realize the flaws in a piece of work are what makes it art, then we can enjoy it, understand it, and love it.
My question to you is: Why do human beings only focus on the negatives of people, things, and even art when our flaws are actually what makes us beautiful?

I answered your question. :)