In Shawna Towers' blog post, she talks about how beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One person can look at a piece of art and regard it as beautiful while someone can completely disagree. She asks the question, "Do you personally believe that beauty in the eye of the beholder or do you think that it is something more than this?" Beauty is defined as "A characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction." However, I believe beauty can never truly be defined. I think everyone has their own personal view of true beauty and it really can not be defined, it just is. Each individual may interpret the idea of beauty (of people, objects, thoughts, etc.) according to his or her own biased, genetic, emotional, cultural, social and spiritual needs. Having said that, most people feel they "intuitively" know and "understand" what is meant by beauty in their mind's eye.
Everyone finds beauty in different things; there is beauty in almost everything and everyone. It doesn't have to be physical beauty. It can be what's on the inside of a person, and how they treat others. The media portrays the physical aspect of beauty, making people believe they need to look a certain way in order to be considered beautiful but this is not true. You know what beauty is by the way you define it, whatever is beautiful to you. To me something beautiful brings emotion; the New England coasts, lighthouses, the fall foliage, different works of art, and so on. Beauty to me comes from knowing; knowing who you are on the inside and what makes you feel lifted in spirit. I see beauty in something and you may see something different. It is completely up to you. That is what makes life interesting.
My question to you is: What do you think about how the media is altering the idea of beauty and making it seem superficial/fake?

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