In Katherine's blog, she talks about the distinction between art and craft. Some view craft as a form of art which I have to agree with. Katherine states that craft is a skill needed to produce art which makes sense, however, I think people that create crafts don't get enough credit as artists for their talents. My mother has her own chair canning business which is a type of craft but I still view her as an artist. It is a complicated and time consuming process but she loves to do it. She is an artist because she has a purpose for her work and has a certain result in mind. I'm not sure there is much emotion portrayed in her work but that doesn't mean her craft can't be viewed as art.
Katherine asks, "Many people are quick to say whether or not they believe a "craft" piece (from a convention or elsewhere) is ugly. If crafts and arts are equal to one another, should people be just as quick to judge "true artwork" as they are the work of artisans/craftspeople?" My mom has brought me to more craft fairs than you can imagine and I have seen many different questionable crafts. However, I have seen work that is downright beautiful and filled with talent and emotion. I do think craftspeople are artists and craft is just another form of art but I don't think people should judge others' work so harshly. We all have our opinions but it is not fair to call something ugly without understanding the purpose of the piece and the effort put into it. I think people are too judgmental when it comes to the work of others and I think people judge other types of art (paintings, sculptures, poetry) just as quickly as they do crafts. I believe we seriously need to judge less but this is easier said than done. Crafts should be treated equally to other art forms and judged just the same, if we are to judge at all.
My question to you is: I know we have already discussed this in class but, in your opinion, what are the differences between arts and crafts and should craftsman be considered artists? Why or why not?
Chair Canning.

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