For instance, great works such as The Mona Lisa and A Starry Night are just two examples of art that are still appreciated in today’s society. Works created hundreds of years ago should still be valued today; however, this is not always the case. It seems as though, as our society progresses, art is less understood and noticed and it is becoming more abstract. Modern art is questionable when it comes to being actual art because people have splattered pant on canvases and it has been actually called talent in the eyes of some people.
Clive states, “Art might prove the world’s salvation.” However, how can this be if people don’t care about art anymore? Students are forced to read classics or memorize famous poetry but they don’t actually care. Very few people develop a passion for art and even students I know who are majoring in the fine and performing arts despise art history and other subjects since they are forced to learn the material. I wish our society as well as my generation were both more interested in great works of art. The interest of the “art world” is diminishing so it is our responsibility to bring it back to existence.
My question to you is: What is your favorite era of art and why? Also, do you feel you truly appriciate art?

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